Rusta and matcha

Rusta and matcha

Rusta and matcha is a service aimed at job seekers who want help finding employment or an education.

Itineris is a unique company within Rusta och matcha. What sets us apart from other companies is our expretise in diversity and ability to help, guide and educate ALL people - regardless of previous knowledge, background and experiences.

We specialize in adapting activities to each individual's unique needs to provide you with the right conditions to progress to the next step in life, whether it be work or studies. We understand that there may be various types of barriers to enter the labor market, from konwledge-based to personal and cultural. With us, you will receive the tools necessary to enter the labor market and grow as an individual.

Contact us for more information

KROM Rusta och Matcha Stockholm


At Itineris, we speak a total of 21 different languages, meaning we will meet you both on a lingustic and cultural level. For those of you who are new to Swedenm we offer special courses in social orientation and integration so you can quickly enter the Swedish labor market. IN our strong team, we also have knowledge in behavioural science, sociologu, political science, career counselling, design, pedagogy, economics, law and health sciences. We believe it is important to focus an health when you are looking for work or considering an education. Therefore, we will include the general health situation in our analyses and actions plans. In addition, we have a wellness counsltant, naprapath, behavioral scientists and theraposts available to assist you.

KROM Rusta och Matcha Stockholm

Sector expertise

  • Construction and infrastructure
  • Restaurant
  • Cleaning
  • Healthcare
  • Real estate
  • Nature and agriculture
  • Design
  • Recruitment and staffing
  • Warehousing and logistics
  • Administration
  • Finance and law
  • Sales and customer service
KROM Rusta och Matcha Stockholm

Complementary measures within Rusta och Matcha

When participating in Rusta och matcha, you may in some cases also participati in other labor market policy programs at the same time through the Swedish Public Employment Service. For example, you may receive assistance in validating your previous skills and experiences, be offered study-motivating courses through folkhögskolan and receive qualified career guidence.

Läs mer om de olika arbetsmarknadspolitiska programmen här:


Study-motivating courses at folkhögskolan

Career gudiance
